English for today Class Eight, Unite 3, Lesson 1, Health

Unit Three
Health and hygiene

After we have studied this unit, we will be able to
• read and understand texts through silent reading
• listen for information
• ask and answer questions
• write the answers to questions
• practise sounds
• write paragraphs/compositions
Lesson 1: Health

Key words : disease essential concentrate possession
A. Look at and talk about the picture. Ask and answer the following questions.
1. Which boy looks healthy?
2. Which boy is unhealthy?
3. Can you guess why they are so?
B. Read the questions first. Then read the text and answer the questions.
1. Why is good health essential for us?
2. Why is physical exercise necessary?
Health is the condition of our body and mind. It may be good or bad. Good health means healthy body free from diseases. It is essential for everyone to lead a happy life. If we are not in good health, we cannot concentrate on any activity in our life.
A proverb goes, "Health is Wealth" It means health is equally valuable as gold or any other personal possessions. We may have vast wealth and property, but oaf we are not healthy we cannot enjoy them.
To keep ourselves healthy, we have to do certain things. We have to take a balanced diet. We must exercise regularly to keep our body fit for work.
There is an old saying : 'Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.'
So we should not keep late hours. We should go to bed early at night and rise early in the morning. Peace of mind is another condition for good health. So we must not worry over small things of life.
C. Read the text in B silently and then choose the best answer.
1. Health means the condition of a   our body.
b. our mind.
c. our body and mind.
d. our environment.
2. A healthy person is one who
a. is physically and mentally sound,
b. eats good food,
c. has a lot of wealth,
d. is overweight.
3. We need to eat 
a. rich food.
b. balanced food,
c. little food,
d. lot of food.
4. The phrase 'to keep late hours' means 
a. to go to bed late.
b. to wake up late in the morning,
c. to do things late always,
d. to be late for the class.
D. Write a short paragraph about how you can maintain good health.

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